Recently a section of the media reported that Bollywood diva Sameera Reddy is working as an assistant director to Gautham Menon onNeethane En Ponvasantham. However the actress has now denied such reports and stated it as 'baseless rumours'. Sameera has earlier worked with Gautham Menon inVaaranam Aayiram and Nadunissi Naaygal.
Neethane En Ponvasantham is a trilingual with Jiiva, Nani and Aditya Kapur playing the lead roles in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi respectively. Samantha is the leading lady in all the three versions. RS Infotainment, the makers of the highly successful Ko are producing the Tamil version. Another added attraction for the movie is its music which will be created by Oscar winning composer A.R. Rahman!
The movie, touted to be a romantic comedy, has been planned for release on February 14th 2012, as a gift for all lovers on Valentine's day! The highlight of the movie is that Gautham Menon is returning to comedy after a long while since Minnalae. Comedian Santhanam will also play a prominent role in the film.