And now it's a big fat climax for Vikram in Rajapattai! The producers has spend almost Rs. 3 crore on the climax fight sequence, which was shot recently. The shooting of the film is almost complete except for two songs, which is likely to be shot in Europe. In Rajapattai, Vikram plays the role of a gym instructor who comes to the city with a dream of becoming a big villain in Tamil films. Rajapattai is directed by Suseendran and sexy siren Deeksha Seth is the heroine. Touted to be a complete mass entertainer, Vikram will appear in several interesting get ups for a song in the film.
Rajapattai is PVP Cinemas' maiden production venture and according to the team, the film will impress all classes of audience. The film will also narrate the relationship between a grandfather (played by veteran actor K. Viswanath) and his grandson. The romance and comedy track are expected to be the main highlight of this film.