After Ghajini & Kaavalan ,the Tamil film Pithamagan directed by Bala is getting ready to be remade in Hindi. Pithamagan is a hit film which had Vikram and Surya in the cast. This film which was released in 2003 was directed by the National Award winner director Bala. Vikram had also the got the National Award for best acting. There was a tough competition among the Hindi producers to acquire the remake rights of this film in Hindi. Now Satish Koushik has acquired the remake rights of Pithamagan. Director Sathish Kaushik, who had already remade Vikram’s Sethu in Bollywood as "Tere Naam" with Salman Khan in the lead
Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan will be in the leads like so. The filmmaker has neither approached Hrithik Roshan nor Saif Ali Khan but he wishes that their combination could be the right choice.